This is a follow-up to the English classes for level 'Básico 2' at the Official School of Languages in Aranjuez. Enjoy!

Exam training sessions: reading and listening skills

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hi guys!

Well, time has come to revise and prepare for the final exam and I know this is a really stressful situation for you but don't panic: there's still time to train for it. Here you have the reading and listening exam tasks that we did in class last Wednesday and yesterday in case you couldn't come or you want to check the answers and listening transcripts:

Listening task 1 + Answer key + transcript (audio file -- right-click and choose "guardar destino/enlace como"--)


Listening task 2 (audio file -- right-click and choose "guardar destino/enlace como"--) +Answer key + transcript


Listening task 3 + Answer key + transcript (audio file -- right-click and choose "guardar destino/enlace como"--)


Extra cloze texts:

Extra listening matching:

Extra listening gap-fill:

And don't forget to hand in your last assignment or send it by e-mail as soon as possible, so I am able to correct it and give it back to you before the classes are finished.

Tomorrow Wednesday we'll continue with some more exam training because as an English proverb says, "Practice makes perfect" (=the more you practice, the better you will become). Please, do this multiple choice exercise for homework tomorrow.

Keep up the good work!

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