This is a follow-up to the English classes for level 'Básico 2' at the Official School of Languages in Aranjuez. Enjoy!

Christmas is here!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Hi, folks!

I just wanted to remind you that on Monday we'll have the last class before Christmas holidays, so we'll have a lot of fun playing games and singing Christmas carols. Remember that on Tuesday, 22nd you are invited to come to the CHRISTMAS PARTY 2009 in the "Salón de Actos". Here is the list of activities (don't be shy and take part in any of them, you can win fantastic prizes!):

17:00 Entrega de los platos para el concurso gastronómico.

18:00 Presentación del acto.

18:15 Presentación y degustación de productos típicos franceses a cargo de representantes del Centro comercial E.Leclerc (Idioma Francés con traducción al Castellano).

19:15 Entrega de premios:

· mi expresión favorita
· concurso gastronómico


· Actuaciones de los alumnos de la E.O.I. con canciones de Navidad.

· Karaoke en Inglés

· Sorteo de un regalo entre los participantes en las actividades musicales.

By the way, I really enjoyed reading about your embarrassing situations, some of them were really funny!
Please, write them down on the "comments" section of this post so that your classmates can also read them, ok?

See you on Monday, cheers!

Unit 3D. Lost!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Good snowy Tuesday! Brrr!

Well, I guess yesterday some of you couldn't make it to the school because of the heavy snowfall, but a few students finally turned up and we had a regular class. We basically corrected homework about quantifiers (see answers) and we went over the reading test you did last Wednesday. In Básico 2A we finished unit 3D by learning how to ask for and give directions, and tomorrow (if a new snowstorm lets us reach the school) we'll do a listening test to revise for the exam, OK? In Básico 2B we already did the test and tomorrow we'll finish Unit 3D.

If you want to revise unit 3, download these files:

Unit Test 3
Unit Test 3 (answer key)

You can also do the Review test of unit 3 on page 150 of your Student's book and check your answers here.

 Now watch this video about directions:

Unit 3C. Home town

Thursday, December 10, 2009


I'm back in action! After a long weekend it's always hard to get down to work but we'll try and do it. Yesterday we learnt some vocabulary for describing towns and worked on quantifiers, words (or phrases) that say how much or how many of something there is (or isn't), that is, the quantity. This is the chart I wrote on the blackboard for you to learn:

We use…
with CNs
with UNs
in + sentences
in questions
in – sentences







a lot/lots of

a few


a little


*with offers only: Would you like some cake?

For homework, you must do the exercise 3 on the grammar section, p 31 and the exercise on this activity sheet.

Extra activities:

Much and many
Little and few 
Quantifiers, too, not enough (1)
Quantifiers, too, not enough (2)

Quantifiers worksheets with answers (pdf)

Extra listenings:

What is good about your home town?
What is bad about your home town?

See you on Friday!

Unit 3A. Flatmates

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Hi, folks!

December is finally here and it's freezing out there, but the good news is that few weeks are left for Christmas! Anyway, before the end of this term, I'd like to test you on the reading and listening skills. If we have time left tomorrow, you'll complete a reading task and I'll mark it for you so you can see if you're doing well so far.

Yesterday 30th November was St. Andrew's Day. St. Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland and St. Andrew's Day is Scotland's official national day. Check this site to learn about this festivity. Tomorrow's homework is on page 28. Do exercises 2, 3 and 4 about the text "Scots Abroad", and also think about any words that you associate with Scottish culture.

In our latest lesson we spoke about the problems in a shared flat and we learned some house and home collocations. We also listened to a conversation between two friends about where they live. Finally we did some exercises on countable and uncountable nouns with some, any & no.  For more practice, do the following activities.


(Un) Countable nouns


Extra listenings:

British Council Elementary Podcast 05 Home (download the file and listen to section 6, Carolina)   
(+ exercises and transcript)

The Roommate quiz game (see transcript)

Finally, remember that tomorrow is the last day to hand in your assignment on an embarrassing situation. If you can't attend the class tomorrow, you can always send me an e-mail with your assignment in an attachment.


Unit 2D. Which school?

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Hey, guys!

Yesterday we finished unit 2 speaking about where you would travel to study English and learning vocabulary about school facilities. We also learned how to ask for information in a language school and I asked you to do exercise 1 on the Functional Language section, pg. 23, for homework.

If you want to revise the unit, you can do the Revision test on page 149 of your Student's Book and check your answers by downloading the Answer key.

If you want extra revision:
Unit test 2
Unit test 2 key

Finally, I highly recommend that you check out the new series of the British Council Elementary podcasts that you can play on the site or download to your Ipod or mp3 player and listen to them wherever you are (at home, on the bus/underground/subway/car, at work, etc. You can also download the Support Pack with exercises and transcripts, do activities online, or write your comments on the site.

If you don't know anything about podcasts, watch this video and learn how they work:


Lecturas recomendadas para el Nivel Básico 2

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Hi y'all!

Aprovechando que ya se acerca la Navidad, os propongo que pidáis a los Reyes Magos españoles o al famoso Santa Claus anglosajón alguna lectura que mejore vuestro vocabulario en inglés este año. Se aconseja que al menos leáis un libro por trimestre, así que ahí van mis recomendaciones (aún no están disponibles en la biblioteca del centro, sorry!). Pinchad en los enlaces para leer la sinopsis:

Primer trimestre:

One Way Ticket. Short Stories, Jennifer Basset, Oxford Bookworms, stage 1 + CD
o bien
The President's Murderer, Jennifer Basset, Oxford Bookworms, stage 1 + CD

Segundo trimestre:

Death in the Freezer, Tim Vicary, Oxford Bookworms, stage 2 + CD
o bien
New Yorkers Short Stories, O. Henry, Oxford Bookworms, stage 2 + CD

Tercer trimestre:

The Picture of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde, Oxford Bookworms, stage 3 + CD
o bien
Love Story, Erich Segal, Oxford Bookworms, stage 3 + CD

Reading is cool!

Units 2B. Irish Schools and 2C. Red Faces

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Hi, everyone!

After a very busy week, I can finally write a new post on our blog. During the last classes we worked on the past tenses (past simple and progressive, used to) and vocabulary about education. For next week I told you to do the exercises on these pdf worksheets for homework.

Extra practice:
Past progressive (1)
Past progressive (2)
Past simple or progressive (sentences)

 Answer Key

Past simple or progressive (text)

Answer Key

We also read about some embarrassing situations at school. I told you to think about an embarrassing experience that happened to you or someone you know and write about 80-100 words describing the situation. Download the plan in pdf and read it before writing your story. This will be your next assignment due December, 2

Extra listening:
Embarrassing moments in high school
(Read the transcript after doing the exercises)

Used to:

Read the transcript after watching the video.

Have a nice weekend!

Sample exams (speaking and writing)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Hi, there!

Yesterday we practised Task 2 of the oral exam and I could see that you have a lot of problems when you try to make questions. This is a difficult point, even for intermediate students, so the best thing you can do is more drilling (machacar). Download these question-making exercises in pdf and do them at home. (answer key)

To see more examples of the exam tasks that are used in the EOIs of Madrid, check the following site:

Oral task 1

Oral task 2

Writing task 1

Writing task 2

Finally, try practising conversations with robots. To use the site, study the conversations first by reading and listening to them several times, type in your question, and then click the SAY button or hit the ENTER key on your keyboard, and the robot will reply with its computer voice. If your computer has speech recognition software installed, such as Dragon Naturally Speaking, you can speak into your microphone instead of typing your questions. Have fun!


Thursday, November 12, 2009


This is the final list of students that will do the speaking practice tomorrow. Please, note that these times are estimated and subject to change.

Yesterday, in group A we introduced the used to structure to talk about past situations and repeated actions which no longer happen in the present time. I told you to do exercises 2 and 3, p 19 of the Grammar section for homework. For more practice:
used to 1
used to 2

Finally, I want to thank those students who attended the World March activities and even went on to the stage to sing. YOU WERE ABSOLUTELY GREAT!

Have fun singing!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


This is a song for you to practise the past tense. See if you can complete the lyrics of the song:

Remember that tomorrow, at 6.00 pm, the EOI of Aranjuez will hold a series of speeches about The World March for Peace and Nonviolence. Check the programme of activities.

The event will come to a final close when a group of students sing John Lennon's Imagine. Practise singing the song using your own computer's microphone or just listen to the song:

See you all tomorrow!

Unit 2A. School days

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Hi, there!

Yesterday it was Election Day for CR (no, this doesn't mean "Cristiano Ronaldo", but "Class Representative"!) in the class. It was hard to find candidates (some of you did an anti-campaign not to be elected!) but finally you voted for Julia to be the class rep and Mª Belén to be her deputy (subdelegada) for group A, and Rubén to be the class rep and José to be his deputy for group B. Their job is basically to be the link between the students and the teacher for this course, but please feel free to speak to me personally whenever you want.

Then we did a brainstorming of vocabulary about school. Study the mind maps about Subjects, People, Verb collocations, in class, and Adjective collocations. Mind-mapping is one of the best ways of learning new vocabulary!

We also studied the past simple and I told you to do exercise 3, p.16, of the grammar section for homework. For more practice, do the following exercises:

Past simple (regular and irregular)
Past simple (regular and irregular 2)
Pronunciation of -ed exercise (Choose the mininal pair /d/ or /id/)

Now watch this video:

19 exercises about the video

Sing the Irregular Verbs song to learn them!

Last, but not least, a bit of British culture. Read about Guy Fawkes and learn how Bonfire Night is celebrated across the UK doing the multiple choice exercise.

Happy bonfire night!

Cómo subscribirse al blog a través del correo electrónico

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Os lo cuento en español para que todos podáis comprender cómo hacerlo, aunque es bastante sencillo. Si estáis interesados en recibir actualizaciones del blog directamente en vuestra dirección de e-mail, seguid los siguientes pasos:

1. Situad el cursor en la casilla del recuadro Subscribe via email, en la columna derecha del blog, debajo del texto Enter your email address, y haced clic en el botón izquierdo del ratón.

2. Escribid la dirección de e-mail a la que os enviarán las actualizaciones en la casilla y haced clic en el botón Subscribe, que aparece debajo.

3. A continuación aparecerá una página en inglés que os mostrará la dirección de correo que habéis tecleado, por si queréis revisarla.

4. Además, para prevenir el correo basura (spam), Feedburner (proveedor del servicio) exige teclear un código de seguridad que aparecerá en la pantalla, formado por letras y números al azar. Teclead exactamente el código que veáis en la casilla que aparece debajo.

5. Hacer clic en el botón Complete subscription request.

6. Inmediatamente será enviado un mensaje de validación (en inglés) a vuestra dirección de correo electrónico con un enlace para hacer clic y así validar la suscripción. A partir de ese momento recibiréis un correo con las actualizaciones del blog siempre que se publique una nueva entrada. Si no recibís el mensaje de validación, mirad en la carpeta de "spam" o "correo no deseado" de vuestra cuenta de correo por si estuviera allí. 

Si tenéis dificultades para seguir este proceso, describid el problema en la sección de comentarios  e intentaré ayudaros. 

See you all in class!

Unit 1D. Making contact

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Hi, how're you doing?

Well, yesterday we finished unit 1 learning how to make phone calls. We practised how to say phone numbers and how to take and leave phone messages. Then we did some pairwork telephone roleplays.  Finally we learnt how to write an informal e-mail and I gave the first writing assignment for you this year. Do the final task: choose one of the situations to write an e-mail and send it to my personal e-mail address or use the blank "e-mail page" given and hand it in to me before the end of 16th November.

To revise this unit, I recommend that you download the following test and do it at home. You can also download the key to check your answers.

Now, watch this video to practise saying phone numbers:

 Do this listening comprehension exercise about the video.

Download this worksheet and write down information from phone conversations:


Thursday, October 29, 2009

Yesterday we corrected homework and learnt how to combine what and how with other words to make questions. Practise question-making by clicking on these links:

How questions

WH- Questions (pdf)

The Space Game

Then, we had real fun doing the Trick or Treat quiz (Answer key). Watch the video to learn vocabulary about this traditional festivity:

Word game. Match words related to Halloween to their meanings.

Finally, a song to sing and dance in Halloween: Thriller, by Michael Jackson:

Karaoke version. Sing along!

Carta de protesta

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Desde la Dirección de la Escuela me indican que difunda esta carta de interés para los alumnos.

Unit 1C. Neighbours

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Yesterday we corrected homework and introduced the topic of neighbours (neighbors in American English) by making a list of the top 5 best and worst famous people as our neighbours. Most of your choices were really funny and shocking: your best neighbours ranged from Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Rafael Nadal or Bill Gates to Paquirrín or Torrente. On the other hand, some of your worst neighbours were Zapatero, Paris Hilton and Belén Esteban!

For Wednesday (tomorrow), please read the text on page 10 with the title "Who would you like as...a neighbour?" and do exercises 1 and 2 of the Reading section. (If you want to see how Alan Titchmarsh secretly transformed gardens while the owners were away, click here.)

If you have extra time, visit the fantastic elllo page to practise your listening skills:

Neighbors game (easy)

Neighbors quiz (a bit difficult without looking at the transcript)

Unit 1B. Where are they now?

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Hi guys!

In our last class yesterday we learnt some verb collocations about friendship. Please, revise them and do exercise 3, pg.8 by next Monday. We also revised questions with auxiliary verbs (present and past) and I told you to do exercise 1 on the SPEAKING section, pg. 9 for homework.

More exercises on auxiliary verbs here:
Making questions (explanation)

Exercise 1, exercise 2, exercise 3, exercise 4, exercise 5, exercise 6, exercise 7, exercise 8, exercise 9

More exercises on collocations here:
Words that go together (adjectives)
Words that go together (verbs)

Speaking about friends, Twitter is the internet site that everyone's talking about this year. Find out about the site in this worksheet and create you own Twitter messages (you can use the "comments" section below to write them). Remember you can only use up to 140 characters!

Now play the video to learn more about the site and answer this question:
- Do you think Twitter is a good thing or a waste of time? 

Unit 1A. Family life

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Yesterday we started using the coursebook to revise vocabulary about family and relationships. We also revised questions with the verb to be and I told you to do exercise 3, pg 7 for Wednesday.

If you want more practice:

The Family tree (just move your mouse around to listen to the words!)

Family Ties game

Word order in questions 1

Word order in questions 2


Now you can read the transcript and learn about the vocabulary we use to talk about parents, brothers and sisters. Finally, you can download the exercises related to the vocabulary, print them and check your answers. Play the file as many times as you need and enjoy!

Unit 0. General Review: Simple Past

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Hi, there!

Yesterday we basically corrected homework (see answers in the previous post) and we also revised the past simple tense  (answer key). For more practice, click on the following links:

Past Simple (regular and irregular)

Past Simple (regular and irregular 2)

Now watch this video:

19 exercises about the video

Remember that next Monday you must bring the Student's book to class with you! If you don't have it yet, you'll have to ask somebody in the class to share it with you.


UNIT 0. General Review

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Hi everyone!

If you weren't able to attend the class yesterday, you can just download the lesson by clicking here and try to do the activities yourselves at home (check the answer key).

Don't forget that next Friday, 16th October, we will have an ordinary class and you must do your homework to correct in class. There are two photocopies with activities that you can download by clicking on the following links:

1. Present simple questions 
(Answer Key)

2. Errors
(Answer key)

Now watch this video and try the exercises below:

10 exercises about the video

If you have extra time, you can visit some more useful sites to practise the present tense and question words. Have fun!

To be-simple present

To have-simple present

Simple present-agreement exercise

Yes/no questions

Information questions

Question words 1

Question words 2

Question words 3

Loading... / Iniciando...

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Hi there y'all,

I just wanted to welcome you all to the new course that we have just started.
I hope this year will be productive and fulfilling for you, and I hope we all can achieve the goals that we set out in our first meeting session. 

Hola a todos,
Solo quería daros a todos la bienvenida al nuevo curso que acabamos de comenzar.
Espero que este año sea productivo y satisfactorio para vosotros, y espero que todos logremos los objetivos que nos propusimos el primer día de clase.

My intention with this class blog is to encourage you to use the resources available on the web to practise and improve your English. 
Although it requires a lot of time and effort from you, I believe it can be a very useful tool for students like you. 
So, check it out and if you like it, I hope you join me in the blogging work and eventually become bloggers yourselves.

Mi intención con este blog de aula es animaros a utilizar los recursos disponibles en la web para practicar y mejorar vuestro inglés. 
Aunque requiere mucho tiempo y esfuerzo de vuestra parte, estoy convencida de que puede ser una herramienta muy útil para estudiantes como vosotros. 
Por lo tanto, echadle un vistazo y si os gusta, espero que os unáis a mi en la creación del blog y vosotros mismos acabéis siendo "blogueros".
Straightforward Pre-Intermediate student's book, by Macmillan Publishers, is the coursebook that we will use this year. Also, I recommend that you get the corresponding workbook to do at home. If you have problems with your English grammar, you will find Essential Grammar in Use by Cambridge very helpful, with a Spanish edition of the book available in the school's library.

El libro Straightforward Pre-Intermediate student's book, de Macmillan Publishers, es el método que utilizaremos este curso. Asimismo, os recomiendo haceros con el correspondiente libro de ejercicios para que completéis en casa. Si tenéis problemas con la gramática inglesa, encontrareis muy útil el libro Essential Grammar in Use de Cambridge, cuya edición en español está disponible en la biblioteca de la escuela.

That's all for now, but remember: English is a journey, enjoy the ride!