This is a follow-up to the English classes for level 'Básico 2' at the Official School of Languages in Aranjuez. Enjoy!


Thursday, October 29, 2009

Yesterday we corrected homework and learnt how to combine what and how with other words to make questions. Practise question-making by clicking on these links:

How questions

WH- Questions (pdf)

The Space Game

Then, we had real fun doing the Trick or Treat quiz (Answer key). Watch the video to learn vocabulary about this traditional festivity:

Word game. Match words related to Halloween to their meanings.

Finally, a song to sing and dance in Halloween: Thriller, by Michael Jackson:

Karaoke version. Sing along!

2 comentarios: to “ HAPPY HALLOWEEN! so far...


    I prefer the versions with subtitles in English.

    I usually look for in youtube, with the word "lyrics."

    example: "lyrics michael jackson heal the world"

    after prove and ....


    That's an excellent suggestion, Miguel, thanks!

    I couldn't find a video of the song Thriller with the voice of Michael and the lyrics at the same time in Youtube which I could "embed" (incrustar) in the blog, sorry!

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